Comments on: 11 Mistakes To Avoid For A More Functional Freezer Simplify life with practical tips and tested advice for cleaning, organizing, and cooking. Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:02:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lady Anne Tue, 11 Aug 2020 23:54:12 +0000 In reply to Judy King.

Absolutely. I have dollar store baskets all over the house! We use several in the freezer to keep packages of similar items together; Costco sells boneless chicken thighs in three-packs, and we buy two at a time. Two packages will fit side-by-side in the basket we selected.

I also store my frozen veggies in larger baskets, set upright, as if they were record albums, so I can locate what I want quickly.

By: Lady Anne Tue, 11 Aug 2020 23:46:24 +0000 In reply to Karol Saxberg.

The freezer over our fridge is frost-free, and it “eats” the ice cubes, when it thaws and refreezes, which is what makes it frost-free. Our main freezer is an ancient Montgomery Wards upright – 22 cubic feet! – and we defrost it twice a year.

By: Jeannette Tue, 11 Aug 2020 20:01:37 +0000 In reply to Roger Gough.

I agree with Roger. As is, you’d have to place yourself in a corner to add/retrieve food. It is much easier to approach from an open side. We switched our fridge doors for this reason: accessibility.

By: Karol Saxberg Tue, 11 Aug 2020 18:50:00 +0000 Frost free freezers are a no for me. I had one early on. Even tho they have to be defrosted, you don’t have freezer burn problems.

My fridge freezer is frost free. We don’t use a lot of ice, so have to remember to take some out every day. The fridge immediately starts to thaw the ice cubes. You can end up with a big chunk of frozen together ice cubes. I thought there was something wrong with the ice maker, but that’s what the dealer told me.

By: Ruthann Tue, 11 Aug 2020 17:17:54 +0000 This is great help! Thanks for the post. I am going to clean my freezer AND get some of those cool little baskets. All will be well, I hope. Sometimes your posts are so timely!!! I’ve also learned that freezer-label tape is a lifesend, and I always have plenty of it.

By: Nina Clay Tue, 11 Aug 2020 11:24:35 +0000 This isn’t really a tip about freezing, but we lose power often here in Florida. I kept a small plastic mayo jar, filled it with water and froze it. Now when we go away, I put a quarter on top of the frozen water. When we return, I check the jar. If the power has gone out, the quarter will have sunk. If it’s just slightly embedded the food will be okay but if it’s completely submerged, I know things need to be tossed.

By: Karen Diemert Tue, 11 Aug 2020 08:05:08 +0000 You suggested using a sharpie to mark freezer packages with the product and date, if you use a dry erase pen you can write right on the package/container and it will wash off later.
