Comments on: How To Clean And Freshen Your Garbage Disposal The Easy Way Simplify life with practical tips and tested advice for cleaning, organizing, and cooking. Thu, 11 Apr 2024 20:51:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Kennedy Tue, 05 Sep 2023 20:00:38 +0000 Pour some baking soda in it, then add some vinegar,it’ll foam up and clean it. Let it sit like that for a half hour, don’t use the sink, then add hot water after..

By: Christine S Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:03:21 +0000 I clean mine using lemons or oranges because the Citrus helps and it smells nice. But one thing to remember, Beyond cleaning under the flap, is that using Citrus or vinegar on metal can be corrosive. After I clean mine really well and rinse it really well, I take WD-40 and using the straw that comes with WD-40 spray the metal parts that spin around crushing your food. This will help prevent rust due to the corrosive nature of citrus fruits and vinegar, etc. If your disposal has locked up (you push the button and it makes noise but nothing happens or else is silent), spray some WD-40 on these parts AND look underneath your disposal unit under your sink and there should be a red button that is a reset button. You may need to push this to get it to restart. Many times people think their disposal has died, but it just needs this button pushed to reset. Hope this helps and maybe saves someone from buying a new disposal when not necessarily needed. Been there, done that.

By: Deanna Redenbach Sat, 12 Mar 2022 15:14:31 +0000 One of the stinkiest places in a garbage disposal is under the rubber surround. Be sure to clean it, it is a gross job but it is worth it.
D. Popcorn

By: Carla Skidmore Sun, 20 Jun 2021 14:28:51 +0000 In reply to Connie Weiger.

The flaps on my disposal are long gone, my disposal is old but working well, so far. Thus, running cold water for 30 seconds while the disposal is running cleans that disposal very well.

By: Carla Skidmore Sun, 20 Jun 2021 14:25:07 +0000 In reply to Joan.

After you use the disposal run cold water for about 30 seconds, as the disposal is running and the disposal will be fine. If you have a lemon or even lemon or lime juice, use that, too, if you wish.

By: Jillee Fri, 18 Jun 2021 15:48:37 +0000 In reply to Al Seaver.

Once again Al, I am so thankful for your contributions. You add so much with your knowledge! Thanks for sharing all of this great information. :-)

By: Al Seaver Thu, 17 Jun 2021 17:46:05 +0000 Straight ice cubes will clean out a disposal. Get a bowl of ice cubes ready, remove the rubber flap ring, plug the dishwasher drain, run a few inches of cold water in the sink and leave the water running. Then turn the disposal on, unplug the drain and immediately dump the ice cubes down the drain. Also might want to plug your ears as it’ll make a heck of a racket. It also might scare you when you see just how much crud is swirling around in the water that the ice cubes have scraped loose. The ice cubes also help to keep the blades sharp. Leave the disposal and water running till all of the ice is gone and the crud is washed down the drain. A second method that can be used if your dishwasher drains into the disposal is to turn the disposal on exactly as the dishwasher begins its drain cycle. And after the dishwasher is completely finished, always run fresh water through the disposal to clean it completely out. Dishwasher crud is a major contributing factor in stinky disposals due to the food debris being dumped into the disposal and not being immediately rinsed out with fresh water. That’s also why disposal instructions tell you to leave the disposal and water running for 30 seconds or so after grinding the food waste up. It’s also so that any ground up debris won’t just sit and accumulate in the p trap, possibly plugging the drain.
