I personally love the scent of lavender, and many others do too! In fact, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve heard someone say they dislike the scent of lavender. It has a lovely floral aroma that isn’t overpowering, and it’s actually quite calming, too. It’s a great scent for all sorts of everyday uses, but today we’re using it for laundry – for lavender dryer bags, to be precise!

Aside from having a lovely scent, lavender is also a natural moth repellant, making it perfect for dryer bags. Rather than using a manufactured lavender scent, we’re going all-natural and using dried lavender flowers. Lavender flowers are easy to find online, and they’re pretty inexpensive too. For about $13, you can get enough dried lavender to make dozens of these dryer bags!
Here’s how to make your own:

Homemade Lavender Dryer Bags
You’ll need:

This project doesn’t really need instructions, but it felt wrong not to include them…so here goes. Just take a spoon or a small scoop and fill the bags with dried lavender flowers.

Tie them off tightly (using 3 or 4 knots just to be safe), and voila! You’ve got a dryer bag.

Using Your Dryer Bags
Toss a bag into the dryer along with your laundry. Your clothes will smell wonderful when they’re done drying!

You can use each bag between 5 and 10 times before the flowers run out of fragrance. Once that happens, you can untie the bag, dump out the old flowers, and put some fresh ones in. You can also toss your lavender buds with a few drops of lavender essential oil if desired.
As for the old flowers…save those to sprinkle on your carpet before vacuuming. The brush of your vacuum will release the last bit of lavender scent, and freshen up your carpets. Neat!
Have you tried using dryer bags?