Comments on: How To Get Rid Of Static In Clothes Simplify life with practical tips and tested advice for cleaning, organizing, and cooking. Mon, 03 Jun 2024 19:21:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donna Green Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:59:31 +0000 Hi Jillee,

I noticed you hung your sweater on a hanger. It is easier on your knits to dry them flat on a sweater rack, or let them air dry on a flat surface like a table or even the top of your dryer, with a pillowcase underneath for padding. This keeps the shoulders and seams from getting stretched out of shape.

Also, my mom straightened the seams on her sweater by blocking them-grabbing the ends of the seam at the bottom and at the armpit, them GENTLY pulling on the seam until the bottom and top ends weren’t wrinkled and the hem was even all around. I have vintage sweaters that still look new because of this method. If it sounds confusing, just look up “blocking sweaters”. The same process is used by those wire jean pant hangers that slide into the legs and airdry them taut.

By: B B Mon, 30 Jan 2023 16:08:53 +0000 Keep a little spray bottle handy, all you need is a little spritz of water! Or wet your hands and rub over the item of clothing. So simple and works every time.

By: Lesley M. Thu, 03 Feb 2022 18:46:21 +0000 My house is very dry during the winter. I’m always in jeans so I use moisturizer over my knee hi’s/trouser socks.
You mentioned humidifiers. I had 2 – both broke & I tossed them. I bought a new one which works fine and I use an agent for humidifiers every time I fill it. However, I have to clean it every couple of days. The scale on the heating element is terrible!! We supposedly have the best city water around (yes, we drink it out of the tap). I can’t get it clean!!!! Right now, I have the tray w/the heating element and the tube (which is totally gross) sitting in vinegar. It’s been 2 days and I’ve scrubbed away to no avail. I went to the hardware store a bought 2 very thin, heavy-duty bottle brushes to fit the tube. It barely works. Distilled water might work but I have to fill this 2 times a day – it can get pricey. I refuse to stand over a stove to distill my own.
Any suggestions?

By: James Scott Beran Tue, 16 Jul 2019 22:31:46 +0000 8. Make baseball sized ball of aluminum foil and throw it in the dryer. 9. Roll up a pair of old socks. Stuff them in a knee high nylon and tie off. Place a few in the dryer.

By: Pet Sat, 11 May 2019 12:13:26 +0000 In reply to Dona.

Hello Dona, try putting a capful of lenor in a spray water bottle topped up with water and spray the office carpet. This worked for me in our office where it was coarse, wirey carpet tiles. Hope this helps.

By: Jillee Mon, 26 Nov 2018 17:22:22 +0000 In reply to Victoria.

Hi Victoria! A humidifier should be helping. Another solution would be to simply wet your hands before petting the cat – you could also mist her with plain water. Good luck!

By: Victoria Mon, 26 Nov 2018 07:44:51 +0000 My apt. is so dry also even with humidifier and softener. My poor cat gets shocked when she touches my hands. I moisturize 24/7 it seems…i cant moisturize her tho. I dont want to spray anything with her…Static Cling works but its like poison right?? I need something i can mist and not sprat. Gets too wet! Thanks
