40 Exceedingly Useful Hydrogen Peroxide Hacks

hydrogen peroxide

In my humble opinion, hydrogen peroxide is one of the most useful items you can have in your natural cleaning toolkit. You can use it to disinfect, sanitize, and deodorize hundreds of surfaces and items around your home.

Hydrogen peroxide is also a powerful oxidizer, so it’s also useful for whitening and bleaching things. In this post, you’ll learn over 30 practical ways you can use hydrogen peroxide around the house.

See these hydrogen peroxide tips in action in the video at the end of the post!

40 Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide Around The House

hydrogen peroxide

1. Wash Fresh Produce

Wash your fresh vegetables and fruits with hydrogen peroxide to remove dirt and pesticides. Add 1/4 cup of peroxide to a sink of cold water, then wash your produce in it. After washing, be sure to rinse your produce thoroughly with cool, clean water.

hydrogen peroxide

2. Make Homemade Toothpaste

Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to make a homemade toothpaste that helps kill bacteria for a healthier mouth. Add a little salt to the mixture to boost your toothpaste’s teeth whitening effects.

hydrogen peroxide

3. Sanitize A Load Of Dishes

To help sanitize your dishes, add two ounces of hydrogen peroxide to your dishwasher along with your regular detergent. You can add a sanitizing boost to your regular dish soap by pouring two ounces of hydrogen peroxide right into the soap bottle.

Related: Get Your Dishwasher Smelling Brand New In 3 Easy Steps

hydrogen peroxide

4. Clean The Inside Of Your Appliances

Use hydrogen peroxide to wipe out the inside of your refrigerator and dishwasher. Because it’s non-toxic, it’s a great option for cleaning appliances you use for food storage or to clean your dishes and cutlery.

hydrogen peroxide

5. Freshen Your Breath

Get fresher breath by using a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution as a mouthwash, which helps to kill the bacteria that can cause halitosis. Just mix together equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water, then swish it around in your mouth for a minute or so.

hydrogen peroxide

6. Sanitize Your Kitchen Sponge

Sanitize a grimy sponge with the help of hydrogen peroxide. Combine equal parts peroxide and warm water in a shallow dish, then soak your sponge(s) in the solution for about 10 minutes. Rinse the sponges thoroughly afterward and let them air dry.

hydrogen peroxide

7. Sanitize Your Toothbrush

Soak your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide between uses to keep it clean and prevent the transfer of germs. This is particularly smart to do when you or someone in your family is sick.

Related: 9 Things In Your Bathroom You Really Should Clean

hydrogen peroxide

8. Remove Stubborn Messes From Cookware

Remove baked-on messes from pots and pans by mixing up a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Apply the paste generously to the mess you want to remove, then let it sit for a while. Come back later and give it a good scrub, and the baked-on stains will lift right off.

hydrogen peroxide

9. Clean Food Prep Surfaces

Clean and sanitize your cutting board and countertop by spraying or wetting them down with peroxide. Let it bubble for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse clean.

hydrogen peroxide

10. Clean And Brighten Grout Lines

Have your grout lines seen brighter days? Spray grimy grout liberally with hydrogen peroxide and let it work for a little while, then come back and scrub with an old toothbrush. Repeat the process a few times for best results.

(If your grout is especially grimy, check out my other DIY grout cleaning methods.)

hydrogen peroxide

11. Clean Your Toilet Bowl

Clean and sanitize your toilet bowl and leave it sparkling clean! Pour 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet bowl, let it sit for 20 minutes, then scrub clean with your toilet brush.

hydrogen peroxide

12. Brighten Dingy Floors

Brighten dingy floors by adding 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of hot water. Use the solution to mop your floors, and they’ll be back to their bright and clean state in no time! (As a bonus, it’s such a mild cleaning solution that you don’t need to rinse it off afterward.)

hydrogen peroxide

13. Remove Stains From Fabric

Remove stains from clothing, curtains, and tablecloths by pretreating them with hydrogen peroxide. Let it work on the stain for a little while before tossing the item into your washer.

You can also add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to a regular load of whites — it’s a great alternative to bleach for whitening and brightening fabrics!

Related: The Ultimate Stain Remover Spray (For More Than Clothes)

hydrogen peroxide

14. Clean Toys And Play Areas

Hydrogen peroxide is a safe option for cleaning toys and kids’ play areas because it won’t irritate lungs like other cleaners can. Spray and wipe down toys, toy boxes, doorknobs, and anything else your kids touch regularly.

hydrogen peroxide

15. Keep Houseplants Healthy

The next time you’re spritzing your houseplants, add a splash of hydrogen peroxide to your spray bottle! The added peroxide will help keep your houseplants free of fungus and disease.

hydrogen peroxide

16. Sanitize Your Lunch Boxes

Sanitize everyone’s lunch boxes and bags by spraying them with hydrogen peroxide and wiping them clean.

hydrogen peroxide

17. Add Natural Highlights To Your Hair

Add natural highlights to your hair with a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide. Add equal parts peroxide and water to a spray bottle, then spray the solution onto wet hair to create subtle, natural highlights.

hydrogen peroxide

18. Make A DIY Detox Bath

According to alternative therapy practitioners, adding half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide to a warm bath can help detoxify the body. Some are skeptical of this claim, but a bath is always a nice way to relax, and the addition of hydrogen peroxide is sure to leave you and your bathtub squeaky clean!

hydrogen peroxide

19. Keep Salad Greens Fresh

Spray a solution of 1/2 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide onto salad greens and other leafy greens before covering and refrigerating them. This will prevent wilting and keep your greens fresh longer!

hydrogen peroxide

20. Treat Pimples And Blemishes

Dab hydrogen peroxide onto pimples or breakouts to help clear skin.

hydrogen peroxide

21. Feed Sprouting Seeds

Hydrogen peroxide can help to sprout seeds for new plantings. Spritz the seeds with hydrogen peroxide every time you need to re-moisten them. Once your plants are big enough to put in the ground, you can use a solution of one ounce of hydrogen peroxide and one quart of water to help improve your plants’ root systems.

hydrogen peroxide

22. Whiten Yellowed Linens

You can use hydrogen peroxide to restore yellowed lace and linens to their formerly white state. Fill your sink with cold water, add two cups of hydrogen peroxide, then add your yellowed linens. Let them soak for at least an hour, then rinse in cold water and hang them to dry.

Related: How to Restore Your Stained and Yellowed Linens

hydrogen peroxide

23. Remove Ear Wax Buildup

Use hydrogen peroxide along with olive oil (or almond oil) to remove a buildup of ear wax. Add a couple of drops of oil to the affected ear, followed by a couple of drops of peroxide. Rest there for a few minutes, then tilt your head to the other side to remove the cleaning solution and wax.

hydrogen peroxide

24. Clean Your Humidifier

To clean your humidifier and eliminate bacteria that may be lurking inside, add one pint of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of water and pour it into the tank of your humidifier. Let it sit for an hour or so before rinsing and drying.

hydrogen peroxide

25. Keep Your Feet Healthy

Hydrogen peroxide makes it easy to keep your feet clean and healthy! Spray a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water around your toes every night and let it dry to help treat foot fungus. Or soak your feet in a diluted peroxide solution to help soften calluses and corns or to disinfect minor cuts.

hydrogen peroxide

26. Clean Shower Curtain Liners

Use hydrogen peroxide to help remove mildew and soap scum from your shower curtain liner. Place the liner in your washing machine along with a bath towel and your regular detergent, then add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to the rinse cycle.

hydrogen peroxide

27. Kill Germs In Your Shower

Spray down your shower walls with hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria and viruses.

hydrogen peroxide

28. Control Fungi In Fish Tanks

Use hydrogen peroxide to control fungi present in aquariums. As long as you use it sparingly, it won’t hurt your fish.

hydrogen peroxide

29. Clean And Freshen Musty Towels

Use peroxide to restore freshness to towels that have taken on a musty smell. Add 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the washing machine, let soak for 15 minutes, then wash as normal.

hydrogen peroxide

30. Get Rid Of Skunk Smell

To make a de-skunking solution, combine one quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, one teaspoon of dish soap, and two quarts of warm water. Apply the solution to the affected person or animal and work it into a lather before rinsing. (Don’t let this mixture sit for too long on fur to avoid it lightening the color!)

hydrogen peroxide

31. Help Heal Canker Sores

Use hydrogen peroxide to help heal painful canker sores. Swish a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide around your mouth for 10 minutes to help disinfect the area and reduce inflammation.

hydrogen peroxide

32. Clean Glass And Mirrors

Screw a spray bottle top right onto your bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and use it like you would a bottle of Windex to clean glass and mirrors. It’s surprisingly effective, and doesn’t leave any streaks behind!

hydrogen peroxide

33. Remove Blood, Sweat, And Coffee Stains

Treat stains from organic matter like blood, sweat, coffee, and wine by spraying the stain with hydrogen peroxide and rubbing it in. This works best with fresh, wet stains, and remember that peroxide may bleach some dark fabrics. (Test in an inconspicuous spot beforehand to make sure!)

hydrogen peroxide

34. Eliminate Mold And Mildew In Your Bathroom

Hydrogen peroxide makes an effective and affordable mold and mildew cleaner! Spray down the surfaces in your bathroom that are affected by mold or mildew, and allow it to sit for several minutes. The gunk should be easy to remove, and the surface will be free of bacteria too!

hydrogen peroxide

35. Whiten Yellowed Nails

If you paint your nails a lot, you’ve probably already noticed that your nails can yellow over time. Get rid of the yellow tinge by applying a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide to each affected nail. Let them sit for a few minutes until the stains disappear. Make sure to apply a lotion or cuticle cream afterward, since hydrogen peroxide can be drying to skin.

hydrogen peroxide

36. Induce Vomiting After A Pet Eats Something Toxic

Our pets often seem determined to eat things that are bad for them! If your dog has ingested chocolate or other foods that can be toxic to dogs, it may be necessary to induce vomiting, and you can do that with hydrogen peroxide.

Measure out 1 milliliter (mL) of 3% hydrogen peroxide per pound of your animal’s weight, up to 45mL. Use a turkey baster to feed the peroxide to your pet. This method works for dogs as well as cats, pigs, and even ferrets, but it is NOT recommended for use on rodents, horses, rabbits, or birds.

hydrogen peroxide

37. Cleaning Contact Lenses

Hydrogen peroxide-based cleaning solutions for contact lenses, such as Clear Care, are actually more effective at cleaning your contact lenses than traditional multi-purpose solutions. Hydrogen peroxide effectively dissolves lipids and proteins, leaving your contact lenses super clean!

However, the reason these products come with special cases or tablets to add is that the hydrogen peroxide needs to be neutralized through a chemical reaction before you can wear the contacts again. Otherwise, you’ll be in for some very unpleasant eye sensations!

So make sure to follow all of the directions that come with your hydrogen peroxide-based contact cleaner!

hydrogen peroxide

38. Clean Your Cooler

After you unload your cooler or ice chest after a trip, it’s always a good idea to clean it out before storing it away again. Pop a spray top on your little brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide and use it to spray down the inside of your coolers and ice chests. Wipe them dry and they’ll be disinfected and ready to either store or use again!

hydrogen peroxide

39. Sanitize Reusable Shopping Bags

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean your reusable shopping bags. You’ll feel a lot better bringing home fresh produce in a bag you know is clean and sanitary!

Collect all your nonporous reusable bags (usually the ones made of recycled plastics), spray them down, and wipe them clean. Reusable bags that are made of a more fabric-like material can be thrown right into your washing machine.

hydrogen peroxide

40. Perform First Aid

There’s a reason you often find peroxide next to other first-aid supplies at the store! Three percent hydrogen peroxide was once the antiseptic of choice for many medical professionals who needed a cheap way to disinfect wounds.

You can still use it for first aid in a pinch, but keep in mind that modern studies have found that too much peroxide can delay the healing of skin cells.

How do you use hydrogen peroxide around the house?

YouTube video

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Jill Nystul (aka Jillee)

Jill Nystul is an accomplished writer and author who founded the blog One Good Thing by Jillee in 2011. With over 30 years of experience in homemaking, she has become a trusted resource for contemporary homemakers by offering practical solutions to everyday household challenges.I share creative homemaking and lifestyle solutions that make your life easier and more enjoyable!

About Jillee

Jill Nystul

Jill’s 30 years of homemaking experience, make her the trusted source for practical household solutions.

About Jillee


Bright Ideas

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  1. How can I get coffee and tea stains removed from my coffee cups? The dishwasher doesn’t do it. Thank you.

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    • Sandi, I would suggest you use a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste, which you can then scrub onto the stained areas with a sponge; for stubborn stains, soak the mug in a solution of white vinegar and hot water before scrubbing with a sponge and rinsing thoroughly.

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  2. I almost choked when I read the “make your own toothpaste” with the picture of Dawn dish soap and hydrogen peroxide directly below it.

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  3. I buy a hydrogen peroxide bleach at my supermarket, it is called “Seventh Edition.” It works like a charm on all clothes, white or colored clothing, removes stains, especially if pretreated with a product called “Shout” which is inexpensive and neither product causes any bleach spots. I have been using these products for years.

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  4. Hi, awesome information. For washing or spraying any food I would suggest using food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is more expensive, but if you use it only for food items it will last a long time.

    Also, if you store it (or any hydrogen peroxide) in the refrigerator it will remain potent for about ten years.

    I’m new to your site and really enjoy and appreciate it! Thanks

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  5. Love your stuff, Jillee. If I might add one tip…when removing blood, if you are worried about bleaching of the fabric, try using rubbing alcohol instead. This is what my firefighter/medic used to remove blood from my chocolate brown carpet. Just saturate and keep blotting the stain out.

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  6. Friends, I cannot say enough good things about Jillee’s peroxide/dish detergent mix. Besides the obvious, I’ve successfully cleaned a cooler with it. I’ve used it on some of life’s more bleachable moments, comforted by its disinfecting quality. Used generously in your laundry, it not only removes stains, it deodorizes as well. I even removed a set in mystery stain using it (however, I let it set overnight; the item was lost anyway, and my only remaining plan was to sew it some way to disguise the stain). I affectionately call it my Jillee’s, and will likely label the repurposed pump bottle from another stain remover in which I mix it as such.

    This site is a go-to as I totally organize a house. It’s time to know how to remove these stains and how to make everything generally accessible and Jillee is most helpful that way.

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  7. Re: mouthwash- do not use if you have amalgam (silvery) fillings!

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    • Also, H202 can eliminate the good bacteria in your mouth and make you prone to canker sores.

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      • However, my local supermarket sells a H202 bleach that is safe for colors and it brightens them and whitens your white clothes, too.

  8. How much do you put in a 125 gallon fish tank? These are great uses for something this cheap.. Thanks.

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    • After removing the fish, use a solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 150 parts water to clean. That’s about 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to 3 cups of water. :-)

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  9. I have used the “de-skunking solution” (1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 teaspoon Dawn dish detergent, 2 quarts warm water) very successfully 4 times now on our golden retriever and black lab. I get everything else ready before mixing up the solution (towels, hose, rinse water, etc.). Just use the solution to lather up the affected animal, scrub with your hands, and rinse well. Best “cure” for removing skunk odor I have found.

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  10. I’ve been brushing my teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for at least 20-30 years. Everywhere I go people randomly comment on how white my teeth are, or that they look nice, or they’ll ask or already assume I recently bleached my teeth. Everyone’s always shocked when I tell them, or they’ll recall hearing about the basic regimen. Since It’s an acquired taste that I’ve never aquired, I will add essential oil of French Lavendar, spearmint, or tea tree, or any combination of the three I find just fine. Or I switch between mixing my mix with some other toothpaste. But I can’t feel like I truly have a clean mouth and breath until h202 is involved. Plus I keep my toothbrush head first in a the peroxide in a glass so It’s not sitting there seething with bacteria, festering until the next use. Because eew!

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  11. Two ways I use hydrogen peroxide for that I’ve never found mentioned anywhere are:

    1. Blood stains. My monthly flow, before I started going through menopause, was like clockwork. My flow was also extremely heavy and leakage was inevitable, no matter what I did. Instead of throwing my panties away, I saturated them in hydrogen peroxide and used small brush on the stubborn spots. No staining.

    2. Pet urine on furniture. Since urine is a bodily fluid, and since it worked so well on blood, when I was potty training my Pomchi, he would sometimes wet on my bed during the night if we didn’t take that “one more trip outside” before bed. I just poured it on the mattress, making sure to wet past the “puddle”, let it bubble up, then blotted it up with a dry towel. No telltale “outline” and no odor.

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  12. Does any one know if it can be used to clean the clogged kitchen sink?What if it si put and left over night and then next day run hot water?

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    • Mr.Khan, for that, it’s better to use baking soda, about 1/2 cup, and then pour in white vinegar, slowly, maybe 2 cups, 1/2 cup at a time, watching as it bubbles. Put a pot of water to boil in the meantime. About 1 GALLON. Once it’s hot, just leave it on the stove.
      Repeat the baking soda and vinegar once more. I used the top part of a plastic milk jug as a funnel, to make sure the baking soda went straight into the drain, instead of all over around it! Works wonders!
      Once the 2nd round of bkg soda/vinegar treatment is done, pour the hot water down the drain, being careful NOT to splash yourself or anyone else that’s watching!
      If ALL this doesn’t clear your drain, I suggest you try something stronger, like potassium chloride, but that will require you put on protective glasses and use gloves, NO joke!!
      I’ve done it before, in a big kitchen, and it works wonders, but there’s a danger that it can seriously damage your plumbing if they’re made of the wrong kind of material and you don’t know.
      So try the first method again, if it doesn’t work the first time. Better safe, than sorry!! AND it’s cheaper than breaking something! Baking soda and vinegar hasn’t hurt plumbing yet!
      Good luck!!

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      • You beat me to that idea. LOL

      • This method has worked for me many times, with one change. If it’s a sink, before adding hot water I plug the sink. And instead of just a gallon I fill the sink. Water has a lot of weight and I use that to my advantage. Once the sink is completely full of hot water, I pull the stopper (plan a safe way in advance because of hot water) and the weight of a few gallons of water will usually clear the clog.

    • Try vinegar and baking soda, it foam up and does a great job cleaning drains, if the clog is that stubborn that the vinegar and baking soda won’t work, it may be time to call the plumber.

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  13. I mix 16oz H202 / 1 tsp Dawn / 1 tbsp Baking Soda in a spray bottle. Gently mix. This mix is great for smelly cat spray. After usually spraying mix over smelly area, the door is gone. It sometimes takes 2 times of spraying mix for odor to be completely gone. I have tile so I am not concerned about possible discoloration due to H202. This mix works great for bathroom door also. I’m sorry I can’t credit the person on Pinterest.com where I got the recipe.

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  14. Do you know of anything that can lighten, white in & brighten false teeth without taking it back to the dentist? Regular cleaning tablets do not do the job! Thank you for all your wonderful info! I enjoy reading it everyday!

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  15. I use it in my hot tub. I’m allergic to other chemicals others use in their spas. We use 28% H2O2 which is called “food grade” hydrogen peroxide. It’s perfect! The water is clean, absolutely NO chemical smell, sparkly blue colour it’s supposed to be and NO issues with my skin. The best thing ever!!

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  16. I use H2O2 regularly for many of these same things. One thing it works great on is protein stains. So the other day, I sprayed some on a brand new white cotton shirt that I had gotten some food gunk on from leaning over the kitchen sink and ran out the door. Unbeknownst to me, the hot spring temperatures had caused my body heat to warm up the peroxide on my shirt, and now i have a big yellow stain from the peroxide. Do you know how to remove that??? :(

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    • If you still have the stain, try a bit of bkg soda and, believe it or not, more H2O2, in a HOT water soak, rub some hard soap, like Zope, that laundry soap you might find at Wal-Mart. It’s a pretty pink color. Don’t worry, it’s very mild.
      Let it soak overnight. If that doesn’t remove the stain, I’m not sure what will do it, except maybe ammonia. Yes, ammonia. It’s what I used to use when I was younger and would stain my clothes with period blood. I’d add a c of ammonia, a measure of detergent and cold water and let my clothes soak after rinsing them of the worst .. Well, you get the idea. It worked beautifully, without scrubbing. I’m thinking that if the H2O2 stain, plus the protein stain, won’t give way to more H2O2, then it just might to ammonia. And ammonia won’t do anything to your cotton, btw, I know from experience. Just use 1/2 c for your blouse, in however much water you need to cover it, and a bit more.
      And so you know, they sell ammonia at The Dollar Tree, if you can’t find it anywhere else.
      Good luck!!

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    • I’ve found that using Fels Naptha laundry soap bar is great for removing yellow stains from clothing, even underarm areas of shirts or white socks that have become dingy. Just wet the stain area, rub the bar onto the stain and let it sit for about 30 minutes before washing. Very seldom do you need to do it twice. Safe to use on colored clothing too.

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  17. I used your miracle cleaner to get adhesive residue off when someone used tape to protect the buttons on our oven from getting dirty, not realizing that clear packing tape would leave a sticky residue when removed! I made a paste of H2O2 and baking soda, applied it to the surface wherever sticky, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wiped off the whole thing with a few wet paper towels. It was amazing! My only problem was getting the baking soda residue off afterward. Any tips? Thanks for your wonderful ideas. Now I use hydrogen peroxide for so many things because of you!

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  18. I see the picture for the toothbrush soak shows 4 in one cup. As a bit of a germophobe, I need to see it spelled out: the germs won’t go from brush to brush?

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    • No, the germs are being killed by the hydrogen peroxide.

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  19. My daughter had a bloody nose while wearing a white sweater. My mom used hydrogen peroxide (took about a half to three quarters of a bottle) and got ALL the blood out.

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  20. Take you artificial wreaths and flowers outside and spray with Hydrogen peroxide and let them dry and they will look like new, it removes all the dust.

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  21. Jillee, I just want to say I LOVE all of your sights. Many thanks.

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  22. Wow, these are also great tips ! I use vinegar for a lot of those solutions, but hate the smell ! I will definitely be stocking up on some peroxide !

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  23. Use a tablet of Polidant to soak anything that has a scum buildup, especially toothbrushes,put the toothbrushes in a bowl, drop a tablet of polident… leave soaking 30 minutes or so and look … no more scum .

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  24. Can I clean my electric stove top with a hydrogen peroxide solution?

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    • I have used this as a 50 /50 spray for over 50 years , and my stove and all else have never suffered from using peroxide , great general anti bacterial wipe , I also use tea tree oil and vinegar because I like the smell , but use the peroxide for quick every day wipe ups.
      (Bit less expensive )

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  25. It is also great to put on dog’s itchy spots where he has been chewing, kills fungus, etc.

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    • Do you dilute the peroxide first? Also my dog chews her feet would that be dangerous for her?

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    • I live in the tropics & have a Maltese dog which of course she is white. When she chews on her itchy paws I spray them with peroxide & it also whitens her paws where they have turned red from her saliva.

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      • I do not dilute the peroxide & she does not lick it off like she did when I used diluted apple cider vinegar

  26. I wear Invisalign trays at night. The cleaning powder made by Invisalign is very expensive. I clean mine every morning by rinsing them in warm water then letting them soak for a few minutes in hydrogen peroxide.

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    • What sort of container do you put the hydrogen peroxide and the Invisalign trays into to soak? I have found that they’re an awkward shape to fit into different containers.

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  27. My doctor says to never put hydrogen peroxide on skin – it is too destructive!

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    • It should be diluted 50:50 with water. Then it’s ok on skin or wounds.

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  28. Hydrogen peroxide is wonderful to use as a window cleaner or mirror cleaner. Just spray it on, and wipe it off! It will not haze or streak! So clear!!!

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  29. I like your ideas, but using hydrogen peroxide on teeth, I am told, can strip the enamel off your teeth.

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  30. HP also cleans pet & blood stains from carpet, especially white or light colors!!

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  31. Hydrogen peroxide kills mold. I used it when we had a drip behind our toilet and it worked much more than bleach.

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  32. I appreciate all the helpful hints using hydrogen peroxide! Except the hint titled “Dishwashing Booster” refers to using a dishwasher but the product shown in the photo is actually dishwashing detergent. There is a big difference! You do NOT want to use the wrong detergent in your dishwashing machine! This is VERY important!

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    • Could refer to hand washing since Dawn is in picture..

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    • I was thinking the same, thanks for clarifying…

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  33. Emergency 3:00 a.m. “skunkked” situation last fall. Used a solution that did have peroxide in it. Had a black dog
    with “red” patches for about six months.

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  34. Hydrogen peroxide kills skin cells in humans and pets, which is why you should never put it on a cut after the initial cleansing, if at all (Google it). I learned this from my vet. Mild soap and water cleans and disinfects just as well and does not damage healthy skin.

    I would be wary of soaking my body or feet in it or putting it on toes, especially every night.

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  35. No more stained period panties just use cold water and soap on stain then let HP soak the area then rinse, repeat process till stain gone then throw in laundry. This has helped save those cute & expensive

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    • Just be careful not to soak in pure HP for too long-I had a pair that were dissolved. Also don’t leave your fingers in strong HP for an extended time as you work with it-it will remove the quick under your nails and that hurts.

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  36. One caveat about HP and hair? For blondes, it may make highlights quite yellow? And it dries out the hair, even with that mixture. At least that has been my experience with it. Lemon juice is a better solution to highlights, I have found.

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  37. i use this for my brown spots on my face. twice a day, and they are getting lighter. great for stainless steel too.

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  38. For the humidifier tip, do you actually run the solution through the device to clean it?

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  39. We have used it for years to remove blood stains from clothing or carpeting.

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      • It gets out human blood really well!

  40. Never knew it could be used to clean vegetables. Such helpful tips!

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  41. My vet told me to wash cuts then put peroxide on, let it bubble then pack with sugar. Never had a cut go bad. I use it on my horses, dogs and my self.

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  42. The peroxide tip is fine to do occasionally on your teeth to whiten. I just add a little bakng soda and use the mixture with my regular toothpaste. I love using the peroxide to get blood stains out of light clothing. I did also try the peroxide with almond oil to get the earwax out when my ears were plugged up. It worked great.

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    • My father served in the Navy during WWII. They had the sailors rinse and gargle peroxide every day to prevent trench mouth. He continued to do this throughout his life. He passed away earlier this year at the age of 98. He still had all his teeth and had only one filling. Don’t know if it was the peroxide or genetically good teeth. I have used it off and on over the years and have very few fillings and white teeth. Especially for someone 65 years old who drinks a lot of tea.

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  43. I love your site and use peroxide for many things but i get frustrated when recipes call for amounts like 2 cups (for bleach alternative) or like this one for shower curtain (1 cup). My HE washer does not have that size of dispensers for bleach or fabric softener. It seems so many recipes for washing in washing machine are not geared for the HE machines. What would you suggest? Just dump in the machine with the clothes? Sigh…I didn’t pick this washer out and there are many times I long for my plain old washer..

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  44. The mix for deskunking dogs is one of the best we have found. Also helps if they have rolled in something

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  45. Thanks for all these tips! I use 3% peroxide for many things…..but I just discovered even more uses thanks to this post Jillee.

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  1. How can I get coffee and tea stains removed from my coffee cups? The dishwasher doesn’t do it. Thank you.

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    • Sandi, I would suggest you use a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste, which you can then scrub onto the stained areas with a sponge; for stubborn stains, soak the mug in a solution of white vinegar and hot water before scrubbing with a sponge and rinsing thoroughly.

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  2. I almost choked when I read the “make your own toothpaste” with the picture of Dawn dish soap and hydrogen peroxide directly below it.

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  3. I buy a hydrogen peroxide bleach at my supermarket, it is called “Seventh Edition.” It works like a charm on all clothes, white or colored clothing, removes stains, especially if pretreated with a product called “Shout” which is inexpensive and neither product causes any bleach spots. I have been using these products for years.

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  4. Hi, awesome information. For washing or spraying any food I would suggest using food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is more expensive, but if you use it only for food items it will last a long time.

    Also, if you store it (or any hydrogen peroxide) in the refrigerator it will remain potent for about ten years.

    I’m new to your site and really enjoy and appreciate it! Thanks

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  5. Love your stuff, Jillee. If I might add one tip…when removing blood, if you are worried about bleaching of the fabric, try using rubbing alcohol instead. This is what my firefighter/medic used to remove blood from my chocolate brown carpet. Just saturate and keep blotting the stain out.

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  6. Friends, I cannot say enough good things about Jillee’s peroxide/dish detergent mix. Besides the obvious, I’ve successfully cleaned a cooler with it. I’ve used it on some of life’s more bleachable moments, comforted by its disinfecting quality. Used generously in your laundry, it not only removes stains, it deodorizes as well. I even removed a set in mystery stain using it (however, I let it set overnight; the item was lost anyway, and my only remaining plan was to sew it some way to disguise the stain). I affectionately call it my Jillee’s, and will likely label the repurposed pump bottle from another stain remover in which I mix it as such.

    This site is a go-to as I totally organize a house. It’s time to know how to remove these stains and how to make everything generally accessible and Jillee is most helpful that way.

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  7. Re: mouthwash- do not use if you have amalgam (silvery) fillings!

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    • Also, H202 can eliminate the good bacteria in your mouth and make you prone to canker sores.

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      • However, my local supermarket sells a H202 bleach that is safe for colors and it brightens them and whitens your white clothes, too.

  8. How much do you put in a 125 gallon fish tank? These are great uses for something this cheap.. Thanks.

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    • After removing the fish, use a solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 150 parts water to clean. That’s about 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to 3 cups of water. :-)

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  9. I have used the “de-skunking solution” (1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 teaspoon Dawn dish detergent, 2 quarts warm water) very successfully 4 times now on our golden retriever and black lab. I get everything else ready before mixing up the solution (towels, hose, rinse water, etc.). Just use the solution to lather up the affected animal, scrub with your hands, and rinse well. Best “cure” for removing skunk odor I have found.

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  10. I’ve been brushing my teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for at least 20-30 years. Everywhere I go people randomly comment on how white my teeth are, or that they look nice, or they’ll ask or already assume I recently bleached my teeth. Everyone’s always shocked when I tell them, or they’ll recall hearing about the basic regimen. Since It’s an acquired taste that I’ve never aquired, I will add essential oil of French Lavendar, spearmint, or tea tree, or any combination of the three I find just fine. Or I switch between mixing my mix with some other toothpaste. But I can’t feel like I truly have a clean mouth and breath until h202 is involved. Plus I keep my toothbrush head first in a the peroxide in a glass so It’s not sitting there seething with bacteria, festering until the next use. Because eew!

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  11. Two ways I use hydrogen peroxide for that I’ve never found mentioned anywhere are:

    1. Blood stains. My monthly flow, before I started going through menopause, was like clockwork. My flow was also extremely heavy and leakage was inevitable, no matter what I did. Instead of throwing my panties away, I saturated them in hydrogen peroxide and used small brush on the stubborn spots. No staining.

    2. Pet urine on furniture. Since urine is a bodily fluid, and since it worked so well on blood, when I was potty training my Pomchi, he would sometimes wet on my bed during the night if we didn’t take that “one more trip outside” before bed. I just poured it on the mattress, making sure to wet past the “puddle”, let it bubble up, then blotted it up with a dry towel. No telltale “outline” and no odor.

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  12. Does any one know if it can be used to clean the clogged kitchen sink?What if it si put and left over night and then next day run hot water?

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    • Mr.Khan, for that, it’s better to use baking soda, about 1/2 cup, and then pour in white vinegar, slowly, maybe 2 cups, 1/2 cup at a time, watching as it bubbles. Put a pot of water to boil in the meantime. About 1 GALLON. Once it’s hot, just leave it on the stove.
      Repeat the baking soda and vinegar once more. I used the top part of a plastic milk jug as a funnel, to make sure the baking soda went straight into the drain, instead of all over around it! Works wonders!
      Once the 2nd round of bkg soda/vinegar treatment is done, pour the hot water down the drain, being careful NOT to splash yourself or anyone else that’s watching!
      If ALL this doesn’t clear your drain, I suggest you try something stronger, like potassium chloride, but that will require you put on protective glasses and use gloves, NO joke!!
      I’ve done it before, in a big kitchen, and it works wonders, but there’s a danger that it can seriously damage your plumbing if they’re made of the wrong kind of material and you don’t know.
      So try the first method again, if it doesn’t work the first time. Better safe, than sorry!! AND it’s cheaper than breaking something! Baking soda and vinegar hasn’t hurt plumbing yet!
      Good luck!!

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      • You beat me to that idea. LOL

      • This method has worked for me many times, with one change. If it’s a sink, before adding hot water I plug the sink. And instead of just a gallon I fill the sink. Water has a lot of weight and I use that to my advantage. Once the sink is completely full of hot water, I pull the stopper (plan a safe way in advance because of hot water) and the weight of a few gallons of water will usually clear the clog.

    • Try vinegar and baking soda, it foam up and does a great job cleaning drains, if the clog is that stubborn that the vinegar and baking soda won’t work, it may be time to call the plumber.

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  13. I mix 16oz H202 / 1 tsp Dawn / 1 tbsp Baking Soda in a spray bottle. Gently mix. This mix is great for smelly cat spray. After usually spraying mix over smelly area, the door is gone. It sometimes takes 2 times of spraying mix for odor to be completely gone. I have tile so I am not concerned about possible discoloration due to H202. This mix works great for bathroom door also. I’m sorry I can’t credit the person on Pinterest.com where I got the recipe.

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  14. Do you know of anything that can lighten, white in & brighten false teeth without taking it back to the dentist? Regular cleaning tablets do not do the job! Thank you for all your wonderful info! I enjoy reading it everyday!

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  15. I use it in my hot tub. I’m allergic to other chemicals others use in their spas. We use 28% H2O2 which is called “food grade” hydrogen peroxide. It’s perfect! The water is clean, absolutely NO chemical smell, sparkly blue colour it’s supposed to be and NO issues with my skin. The best thing ever!!

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  16. I use H2O2 regularly for many of these same things. One thing it works great on is protein stains. So the other day, I sprayed some on a brand new white cotton shirt that I had gotten some food gunk on from leaning over the kitchen sink and ran out the door. Unbeknownst to me, the hot spring temperatures had caused my body heat to warm up the peroxide on my shirt, and now i have a big yellow stain from the peroxide. Do you know how to remove that??? :(

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    • If you still have the stain, try a bit of bkg soda and, believe it or not, more H2O2, in a HOT water soak, rub some hard soap, like Zope, that laundry soap you might find at Wal-Mart. It’s a pretty pink color. Don’t worry, it’s very mild.
      Let it soak overnight. If that doesn’t remove the stain, I’m not sure what will do it, except maybe ammonia. Yes, ammonia. It’s what I used to use when I was younger and would stain my clothes with period blood. I’d add a c of ammonia, a measure of detergent and cold water and let my clothes soak after rinsing them of the worst .. Well, you get the idea. It worked beautifully, without scrubbing. I’m thinking that if the H2O2 stain, plus the protein stain, won’t give way to more H2O2, then it just might to ammonia. And ammonia won’t do anything to your cotton, btw, I know from experience. Just use 1/2 c for your blouse, in however much water you need to cover it, and a bit more.
      And so you know, they sell ammonia at The Dollar Tree, if you can’t find it anywhere else.
      Good luck!!

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    • I’ve found that using Fels Naptha laundry soap bar is great for removing yellow stains from clothing, even underarm areas of shirts or white socks that have become dingy. Just wet the stain area, rub the bar onto the stain and let it sit for about 30 minutes before washing. Very seldom do you need to do it twice. Safe to use on colored clothing too.

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  17. I used your miracle cleaner to get adhesive residue off when someone used tape to protect the buttons on our oven from getting dirty, not realizing that clear packing tape would leave a sticky residue when removed! I made a paste of H2O2 and baking soda, applied it to the surface wherever sticky, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wiped off the whole thing with a few wet paper towels. It was amazing! My only problem was getting the baking soda residue off afterward. Any tips? Thanks for your wonderful ideas. Now I use hydrogen peroxide for so many things because of you!

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  18. I see the picture for the toothbrush soak shows 4 in one cup. As a bit of a germophobe, I need to see it spelled out: the germs won’t go from brush to brush?

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    • No, the germs are being killed by the hydrogen peroxide.

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  19. My daughter had a bloody nose while wearing a white sweater. My mom used hydrogen peroxide (took about a half to three quarters of a bottle) and got ALL the blood out.

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  20. Take you artificial wreaths and flowers outside and spray with Hydrogen peroxide and let them dry and they will look like new, it removes all the dust.

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  21. Jillee, I just want to say I LOVE all of your sights. Many thanks.

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  22. Wow, these are also great tips ! I use vinegar for a lot of those solutions, but hate the smell ! I will definitely be stocking up on some peroxide !

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  23. Use a tablet of Polidant to soak anything that has a scum buildup, especially toothbrushes,put the toothbrushes in a bowl, drop a tablet of polident… leave soaking 30 minutes or so and look … no more scum .

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  24. Can I clean my electric stove top with a hydrogen peroxide solution?

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    • I have used this as a 50 /50 spray for over 50 years , and my stove and all else have never suffered from using peroxide , great general anti bacterial wipe , I also use tea tree oil and vinegar because I like the smell , but use the peroxide for quick every day wipe ups.
      (Bit less expensive )

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  25. It is also great to put on dog’s itchy spots where he has been chewing, kills fungus, etc.

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    • Do you dilute the peroxide first? Also my dog chews her feet would that be dangerous for her?

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    • I live in the tropics & have a Maltese dog which of course she is white. When she chews on her itchy paws I spray them with peroxide & it also whitens her paws where they have turned red from her saliva.

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      • I do not dilute the peroxide & she does not lick it off like she did when I used diluted apple cider vinegar

  26. I wear Invisalign trays at night. The cleaning powder made by Invisalign is very expensive. I clean mine every morning by rinsing them in warm water then letting them soak for a few minutes in hydrogen peroxide.

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    • What sort of container do you put the hydrogen peroxide and the Invisalign trays into to soak? I have found that they’re an awkward shape to fit into different containers.

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  27. My doctor says to never put hydrogen peroxide on skin – it is too destructive!

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    • It should be diluted 50:50 with water. Then it’s ok on skin or wounds.

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  28. Hydrogen peroxide is wonderful to use as a window cleaner or mirror cleaner. Just spray it on, and wipe it off! It will not haze or streak! So clear!!!

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  29. I like your ideas, but using hydrogen peroxide on teeth, I am told, can strip the enamel off your teeth.

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  30. HP also cleans pet & blood stains from carpet, especially white or light colors!!

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  31. Hydrogen peroxide kills mold. I used it when we had a drip behind our toilet and it worked much more than bleach.

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  32. I appreciate all the helpful hints using hydrogen peroxide! Except the hint titled “Dishwashing Booster” refers to using a dishwasher but the product shown in the photo is actually dishwashing detergent. There is a big difference! You do NOT want to use the wrong detergent in your dishwashing machine! This is VERY important!

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    • Could refer to hand washing since Dawn is in picture..

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    • I was thinking the same, thanks for clarifying…

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  33. Emergency 3:00 a.m. “skunkked” situation last fall. Used a solution that did have peroxide in it. Had a black dog
    with “red” patches for about six months.

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  34. Hydrogen peroxide kills skin cells in humans and pets, which is why you should never put it on a cut after the initial cleansing, if at all (Google it). I learned this from my vet. Mild soap and water cleans and disinfects just as well and does not damage healthy skin.

    I would be wary of soaking my body or feet in it or putting it on toes, especially every night.

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  35. No more stained period panties just use cold water and soap on stain then let HP soak the area then rinse, repeat process till stain gone then throw in laundry. This has helped save those cute & expensive

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    • Just be careful not to soak in pure HP for too long-I had a pair that were dissolved. Also don’t leave your fingers in strong HP for an extended time as you work with it-it will remove the quick under your nails and that hurts.

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  36. One caveat about HP and hair? For blondes, it may make highlights quite yellow? And it dries out the hair, even with that mixture. At least that has been my experience with it. Lemon juice is a better solution to highlights, I have found.

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  37. i use this for my brown spots on my face. twice a day, and they are getting lighter. great for stainless steel too.

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  38. For the humidifier tip, do you actually run the solution through the device to clean it?

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  39. We have used it for years to remove blood stains from clothing or carpeting.

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      • It gets out human blood really well!

  40. Never knew it could be used to clean vegetables. Such helpful tips!

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  41. My vet told me to wash cuts then put peroxide on, let it bubble then pack with sugar. Never had a cut go bad. I use it on my horses, dogs and my self.

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  42. The peroxide tip is fine to do occasionally on your teeth to whiten. I just add a little bakng soda and use the mixture with my regular toothpaste. I love using the peroxide to get blood stains out of light clothing. I did also try the peroxide with almond oil to get the earwax out when my ears were plugged up. It worked great.

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    • My father served in the Navy during WWII. They had the sailors rinse and gargle peroxide every day to prevent trench mouth. He continued to do this throughout his life. He passed away earlier this year at the age of 98. He still had all his teeth and had only one filling. Don’t know if it was the peroxide or genetically good teeth. I have used it off and on over the years and have very few fillings and white teeth. Especially for someone 65 years old who drinks a lot of tea.

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  43. I love your site and use peroxide for many things but i get frustrated when recipes call for amounts like 2 cups (for bleach alternative) or like this one for shower curtain (1 cup). My HE washer does not have that size of dispensers for bleach or fabric softener. It seems so many recipes for washing in washing machine are not geared for the HE machines. What would you suggest? Just dump in the machine with the clothes? Sigh…I didn’t pick this washer out and there are many times I long for my plain old washer..

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  44. The mix for deskunking dogs is one of the best we have found. Also helps if they have rolled in something

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  45. Thanks for all these tips! I use 3% peroxide for many things…..but I just discovered even more uses thanks to this post Jillee.

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